Prior to taking any practical driving lessons you must have a current valid driving licence (provisional if a new driver). You can apply for a provisional driving licence either on line via the website or it can be obtained using forms D1 and D750 from the post office.

To be able to proceed with any driving lessons you must be able to read a number plate from a distance of 20.5 metres. If you require contact lenses or glasses to read a number plate at this distance you must wear these during your driving lessons and your driving test.

I provide hourly lessons in formats of, 1 hour, 1½ hours or 2 hours. I will start your lessons at your choice of place, as in your home, work place, 6th form, college, etc, provided it is within my working area. You are also able to end your lesson at a different location if that is better for you on the day of your lesson and the destination is within my working area, I would just need to know this in advance in case it affects my timing for getting to the next lesson on that day.

two person riding vehicle during daytime
two person riding vehicle during daytime
I offer two forms of discount on my lesson prices which are:
Block bookings of lessons, when you book and pay for a block of 10 lessons these are offered at a discounted price.
Students and apprentices receive a discount on the standard hourly rate of lessons.

Current lesson prices:

Standard rate Students & Apprentices

1 hour £45 1 hour £43

1½ hours £67.50 1½ hours £64.50

2 hours £90 2 hours £86

10 hours block payment £430 10 hours block payment £430

To qualify for students & apprentices discounted prices you must produce a valid student ID card or a valid apprenticeship ID card for proof of being a current student or apprentice on your first lesson.

(no additional discount is offered on the 10 hours block payment for students & apprentices as they already receive a £2 discount on the standard hourly rate of each lesson)

Paul's Driving School


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